Saturday, February 23, 2013

Did Rick Dyer Buy The Minnesota Iceman? Updated

Recently the Minnesota Iceman came up for sale on Ebay. It was sold by Ebay user Hauntedarmada allegedly for the price of $20,000. So who bought the body? Rumor has it that it was none other than Rick Dyer or someone closely connected to Mr. Dyer.

The sale ended February 20th, 2013 and it has been confirmed that Rick was in St. Paul the very next day. The timing is odd to say the least.

This is a screenshot from Rick's Facebook showing his return ticket to Las Vegas from St. Paul:

Here is the Ebay auction:

The seller listed the Iceman as being located just south of St. Paul in Cottage Lake, Minnesota.

So how does this connect to the tent video and the alleged dead Bigfoot body? We do not know that answer at this time but we are vigorously investigating and will report the facts as they become available.

If you are not familiar with the Minnesota Iceman story you can get an overview of it here:

I have asked Rick about this rumor and am awaiting his response. Unless Rick confirms this story it is circumstantial at this point until we can get more information. I would like to thank my source for tipping me off on this.

UPDATE: It seems that Musky Allen was also in the area a short time before Rick was there. On February 14th Musky was in  Stillwater, MN a short distance from St. Paul. What does this mean? I do knot know. It is an interesting development though.

UPDATE: According to a post in the Facebook group Bigfoot WARZ, Musky's trip was planned well before the Iceman was put up for sale on Ebay.

UPDATE: Rick Dyer Responds:
 I have the real deal! Why buy something fake?


  1. musky was in St. Paul MN last week

  2. lol - yeah just start up something new - I'm sure they just let Dyer carry the ICEMAN on the plane and bring it home....but then again he could have purchased it. who knows.

  3. I think you just helped bust this hoax tremendously. Good job Mr. Alcorn!

    1. Thanks for the vote of confidence Jay but remember, this is just speculation at this point.

  4. Where is Rick Dyer getting $20,000 ??

    1. Maybe his bosses at FB/Fb will give him a loan.

  5. sorry guys hit the wrong reply on this one! My bad. . .but I still stand with my conviction!

  6. Yet another response from Rick that is deceptive ar its core. Asking a known hoaxer any question that could expose himself will never generate an honest repsonse. But put it in this perspective. If you ask one of your kids if he spilt grape juice on the white carpet and he says no, then ask the other and they say I don't like grape juice. You know the one who did not answer the question is being sneaky. Rick didn't say no, but answered with with a qualifier. Deceptive behavior. He may not have bought the iceman, but he was not subcontiously comfortable with just saying no.

  7. if you ask me... i think dyer bought the ice man and is going to say its the on he supposedly shot.
    P.s I'm diggin your site, seems legit thus far.

  8. Iceman is on display in Austin Texas at meuseum of the wierd.
